Wednesday 20 February 2008

Etude One (1) - Developing the concept

The fundamental purpose of this etude is the exploration of the now common practice of translating 2d design into an 3d concept. The human figure is a familiar form and therefore accuracy is important when creating any degree of realism even when it is skewn e.g. cartoon characters and caricatures. Therefore it is important that I research the structure of the face to allow me to not only accurately design my character but also understand certain factors that I can manipulate effectively for creative purposes e.g. form and proportion. At this design stage I have researched the human anatomy with numerous beneficial resources being analysed.

For example below is a scan of a page from one of Andrew Loomis' Anatomy books which covers a wide range of areas essential for any form of artist studying the human anatomy.

Below this image in particular bares relevance as I am to model a young girls head and the proportions and form are important in visually establishing youth and femininity.

Above images and references cited:

Loomis, A. "Drawing the Head and Hands" [internet].
Available at : [accessed 18-20 February 2008]

In addition there are numerous books that cover the structure of the face with focus on muscle structure, expressions and proportion. Another book that I analysed was Peter Gray's Complete Guide to Drawing and illustration with the chapter called "Making Faces" which covers numerous aspects of head and face design.

These areas are all key in creating an accurate and fundamentally believable design.

Above reference cited:
(Gray, P.,
2007. "The Complete Guide to Drawing and Illustration". Arcturus Publishing Limited)

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