Saturday 22 March 2008

Etude Three (3) - Final Process and Evaluation

In a compromise I decided to further edit the footage and tracking data I already had in After Effects and instead I may re-explore the area in the final etude. Below is my final submission for this piece. I used After Effects to add noise, grain and lens blur as well as other effects to help integrate the models into the scene which I believe I achieved quite well. However the jittery tracked movement greatly removes the objects from the scene and I believe that more considerate tracking and format conversions would improve the quality of the object placement and thus the overall piece. I believe the etude was successful in creating a surreal and original piece as intended but it was done as effectively as I wanted. In addition I feel as if a viewer would observe this piece for its potential as I have. In terms of the next etude my initial intentions are to explore this area of creativity and visual effects even further.

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