Tuesday 4 March 2008

Etude Two (2) - Introduction

Etude Title:

Texturing: a hybrid of elements

For the 2nd etude I have decided to explore the areas around texturing in 3D. This is a natural creative progression from my first etude. Fundamentally texturing techniques are a key creative skill I have yet to learn. During this etude I hope to create a piece that further demonstrates the hybrid of real world images and a 3D model/artwork. For the etude I will be using 3DS Max and Photoshop to create texture and apply it to a model. During this etude I expect to primarily focus on the use of UV unwrapping to create detailed and essentially accurately placed textures on a 3D model using real world references to help achieve an accurate depiction of my original concept. Lighting techniques will be and essential factor during this process. This will further improve my skills as an artist and help develop my multimedia talents to help mix real world and design elements with 3D.

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